
The component is used to create the Aztec Runes 2D Barcode symbols. It's defined in the pfmxAztecRunes unit.

Aztec RunesAztec Runes are a series of small but distinct machine-readable marks designed to be graphically compatible with Aztec Code. They are in fact just the core symbol of a compact Aztec Code symbol with a numerically distinct mode message which in this case conveys 8 bits of actual data. Thus they comprise 256 11x11 module square marks which are conveniently found and read by an Aztec Code reader.

Symbol size

Each Aztec Runes symbol is of a fixed size, it is 11 * 11 modules square.

Quiet zones

No quiet zone is required outside the bounds of the Aztec Runes symbol. So the minimum values of LeadingQuietZone, TrailingQuietZone, TopQuietZone, and BottomQuietZone properties are equal to 0.

Character set

All 8-bit values can be encoded, every Aztec Runes symbol can encode one 8-bit value, it's expressed in a decimal integer between 0 and 255 (including the boundaries), in string format, so only numeric characters can be used in the barcode text.

Data capacity

An integer between 0 and 255 (including the boundaries), in string format. The maximum length of barcode text is limited to 3 digits. The FixedLength property specifies whether adding leading zeros are required if the length is less than 3 digits.

