Property: Barcode

Specifies the barcode text in string format.


property Barcode: string;


Specifies the barcode text to encode it into the barcode symbol. The OnChange event will occur when the property value is changed. The OnInvalidChar event will occur if there is any invalid character in the Barcode property value, and the OnInvalidLength event will occur if the length of the Barcode property value is invalid.

The property is of type string. It is in fact a UnicodeString. By default, the unicode string will be converted to an UTF-8 bytes sequence (the BOM isn't included), then be encoded into the barcode symbol. If you want to use other encoding scheme (for example the ANSI, UTF-16), please convert it in the OnEncode event handle, or specify the converted bytes sequence in the Data property.

If you want to encode a block of binary (bytes) data, please use the Data property, it is of type TBytes (array of bytes).

For the TBarcodeFmx2D_RSS14 and the TBarcodeFmx2D_RSSLimited components, if the property AutoCheckDigit is set to true, the check digit doesn't need to be entered in the here, otherwise the check digit can be specified by you in here.
