Property: ECCCount


Specifies the additional error correction size (number of codewords) for an Aztec Code symbol.


property ECCCount: Word;


The property specifies the additional error correction size (number of codewords) for an Aztec Code symbol.

If the ECCLevel property is set to 0, the property specify the minimum error correction size (number of codewords) for an Aztec Code symbol. Depending on message length, the symbology will typically have to add extra error correction codewords above this minimum to fill out the symbol.

If the ECCLevel property isn't set to 0, the property determines the error correction level together with the ECCLevel property. For example, if the ECCLevel property is set to 23 and the ECCCount property is set to 3, a symbol (azSize_37) which holds 120 codewords should include at least 31 (120 * 23% + 3) error correction codewords, leaving up 89 codewords for encoding the data message. Depending on message length, the symbology will typically have to add extra error correction codewords above this minimum to fill out the symbol.

See also the "Error checking and correcting (ECC)" section in the "TBarcodeFmx2D_AztecCode" article.
